Navy Veteran's Poem: The Watch

2 years ago

My thoughts on recent events ended up as a poem.

The Watch

To tell him the time
Or to keep us safe

The one on his wrist
Or at Abbey Gate

’Tis time to do ’t.
I’ve places to go

He just couldn’t wait
He just had to know

The watch on his wrist
Or over the crowd

One brings us to shame
One The Few, The Proud

With Anchors Away
And Maroon Beret

“I love my job” with a baby held dear
Don’t worry little one, nothing to fear

I’m here, I’ve got you, I’ll keep you from ill
From those with dark hearts who come here to kill

The arms that held a baby with such care
As feigned freedom vanished into the air

From brother to brother and sister, too
My life I lay down, I’m right here with you

Did you check your Watch that stood at the gate?
The wall of youth between freedom and hate

Did they check their watches as hours ticked by?
Did you check your Watch, or just let them die?

Two decades have gone, what have we to show?
The good old wrist watch on a fool named Joe

Two decades have gone, what have we to show?
They stood their last Watch, our hearts full of woe

Semper Fi,
Doc Akins
Navy veteran

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