Tough Times?| Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Christ!

2 years ago

It’s important to have our eyes fixed and focused on Jesus Christ. I know with everything going on it can be troubling and can sometimes cause us to worry. We have to remember as long as we abide in the secret place of the LORD that no matter what’s happens he can give us peace that surpasses all understanding even in the times that we are living in! Yes! Nothing is impossible for God.

Scriptures to meditate on:

Philippians 4:6
Matthew 6:33
Matthew 6:6
Psalm 32:7

If you are not saved today is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2 - for He says “At a favorable time I listened to you, And on a Day of Salvation I Helped you. Behold, now is “a favorable time, “ behold, now is a day is salvation.

Prayer for the unsaved: Dead Lord Jesus I know I am a sinner and I repent of all my sins. I ask for your forgiveness, I believe you died for me and my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Amen!

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I hope all of you have a blessed day or night! 🥰

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