September 1, 2021

2 years ago

Band Forever She Said - Sheffield
Michael Pawson - Bass
Wayne the strat - Guitar (from Rotherham)
Stefan Khacheturian - Drums
Lindsay Khach - Vocals Music and lyrics c. Lindsay Khach
Engineered Alan Fish of 'Hula' and 'Caberet Voltaire'
Recorded Western Works Sheffield England Live to cassette. Copyright 1986 lindsay khacheturian.

This is the track Frenzy recorded live at Western Works studios Sheffield England in 1986. Big thanks to Alan Fish of 'Hula'..and 'Caberet Voltaire'... who engineered some of my tracks soon to be release from analogue tape .....loved this band.... This is one of the tracks from their maiden album Forever She Said recorded live to cassette.
In memory of Michael Pawson Bass player who sadly died in 2017. An amazing and formidable bass player.

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