Magnets, Levitation & Earths Secrets. Graphite & Pure Silver Vs. Magnets -

3 years ago

Magnets, it all starts with natural polarity – energy. The North Pole (and South) are literally our natural extreme opposites and we are on the centre plane of neutral inertia where the polarity is weakest in either direction. EARTH IS A MAGNET!

Some say the earth is even a mono-pole magnet, but I'm not so sure about that. As above, so below, as within, so without, opposites attract.. I'm lead to think that we have a central north energy above us, and a southern lower energy below us, strongest at the centres. I also think the luminaries energies may be magnetic balancing everything outwards going horizontally and diagonally.

We’re going on a journey together, to explore magnetism, electro-magnetism, superconductors, acoustic + magnetic levitation, cymatics & magnetism, aqua-magnetism, and just generally cool exploration of the magnificence of magnetic energy!

These are all Neodymium N48-N52, most were bought on Amazon/eBay and a few things locally. This first video is just to explore them, get to know them, break a few, hurt myself, and respect them a bit… I also bought some ferrofluid, a magnetic field viewer, magnetic flakes, pyrolytic graphite, and got my silver out to run some tests on it too.

Next few videos we’ll be jumping into more experiments and cool satisfying videos so stay tuned to catch more of my geek-out magnet-fest series. The end result of this series to have more personal understanding of magnetic polarity, energy, perpetual motion/energy, and our earths energy as a whole.

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