pt 8 of 14 Children and the Jab, Law firm sending notices of liability to the Heads all schools

3 years ago

UK Medical Freedom Alliance, Lawyers For Liberty Workers Of England Union

pt 8 of 14 Children and the Jab, Law firm sending notices of liability to the Heads all schools

So many laws broken on so many levels - with Senior Lawyer Anna De Buisseret

A series of topical legal matters concerning the alleged Covid_19 virus and the alleged treatment for it. The videos are short sharp and punchy.

They will all be under notice of liability also a recent Judgement of case law at the high court is cited. Bell and Tavistock concerning children's ability to consent to medical treatment in the UK.

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, through its Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) and the first and second Interveners (the Trusts) of prescribing puberty suppressing drugs to persons under the age of 18 who experience gender dysphoria.

Bell and Tavistock and the standard operating procedure of the NHS Trust in the UK is relevant. The case handed down on 1 December 2020 is a case involving transgender and fertility and decisions a child needs to consider and whether they have to ability as a child to make the decisions.

Full credit to the AJ Roberts Show. The series is made from an interview with Senior Lawyer Anna De Buisseret'. Link to the full interview by AJ Roberts 'So many laws broken on so many levels - with Senior Lawyer Anna De Buisseret' found at Full interview (1hr 49m)

The interview digs deep into all the laws that our government, MP's, medical professionals, civil servants and many other professions are breaking on multiple levels. I have highlighted 14 specific videos on this channel where Anna explains the law and your rights.

Anna has been working tirelessly around the clock to build robust legal cases and information for people who are now facing the prospect of being threatened with their employment and education among many things if they receive to have an experimental, in-trial medical drug. If you, or your family are extremely worried and seek legal help, please make sure you tune in and SHARE far and wide, including those in Australia, Canada and many other Commonwealth countries!

Link to the full interview by AJ Roberts 'So many laws broken on so many levels - with Senior Lawyer Anna De Buisseret found at

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