Four-legged whale fossil found in Egypt helps trace evolution from land to sea

3 years ago

The fossils of the great sea creature whale with four legs have been discovered by the scientists.
Well if this is true then the word of God- Bible contradicts it.
Foremost God created this universe out of nothing which is visible . the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
My dear friends try to understand that the universe has not been formed millions of years ago.
Scientists may say anything, please refer to the word of God Bible or any manuscripts ,You will come to the conclusion that the universe has been formed nearly 7000 years ago .
Mankind is Gods(Yahweh) Exclusive creation and the myth that monkey is our ancestor or Gorilla is our ancestor is against the nature of Gods creation. Man has been formed by the word of God. God created man in his image.So we are divine creatures .
Scientists say that in a process of time monkey or ape- whatever they call has been transformed and their legs have been changed in to hands and human beings have been evolved .
Isnt its ambigious? If that is the case why we are not showing any sign of transition since then.
My dear friends my point is that this universe has not been formed millions of years ago.
In Bible genesis chapter 2 verse 1 says ‘’ thus the heavens and earth were completed in their vast array. O.k fine take the GODS word .
But God said multiply and he blessed everything in that vast array nothing on this earth had tasted death until human being disobeyed god in the garden of eden.So my opinion is that
Nothing on this world has been made millions of years ago.
Wait and Watch! Soon the truth will come before your eyes.
Thank you Readers, I will appreciate your comments and will accept any arguements in this matter.

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