Rapier & Saber Fighting - Aug 2021

3 years ago

Adam Nally & Greg Hinchcliff sparring with Rapiers and Sabers.

#SwordFighting #HEMA #Rapier #Dagger #Saber #Fencing #DocMuscles #Men #Manhood #Honor #Mastery #MartialArt #Martial 
The Loyal Order of the Sword
Swordmaster - Greg Hinchcliff
Student: Adam Nally, D.O.

Rapier & Daggers courtesy of DarkWood Armory  (http://www.darkwoodarmory.com/)
Sabers courtesy of Jeff Lord @Kvetun Armoury (https://kvetun-armoury.com/saber/)

Video & Editing - Adam Nally, D.O.

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"TechSmith and its suppliers and licensors, specifically without limitation, Shutterstock and Storyblocks, grants to you a limited, fully-paid, royalty-free, non-exclusive, and non-transferable, license to access, publicly display, modify, create derivative works of, alter, archive, and otherwise use the Assets and the Service solely for your business or personal purposes to create Content in conjunction with your use of TechSmith products and services such as Camtasia® and Snagit®. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Service. The access, licensing, and use of any other TechSmith products and services other than the Service is subject to the corresponding terms and conditions provided with those products and services. You acknowledge and agree that but for these Terms, you would have no rights or access to the Assets and the Service."

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