Rabbis, Robots, and Rodfim

3 years ago

Compare the videos of Erev Rav from Baltimore and the Five Towns. Not only is it obvious that they are reading from a script, in many cases it is word for word the same script, only with different actors.

The Baltimore video is openly sponsored by the government. A call was placed to the Kolrom people who produced these videos during the filiming of the second one, asking where the funding was coming from. They were very uncomfortable, refused to reveal this information, even as they acknowledged that people had a right to know, and disconnected the call. Notice that in the Five Towns video a plethora of Jewish front organizations are shown at the end, but no government involvement/sponsorship is indicated.

The people speaking in these videos are nothing more than paid spokesmen for the government, using and abusing their rabbinic positions to betray the Torah and their followers.

Their citations from the Torah are taken grossly out of context and twisted to support utterly false conclusions, in true missionary style.

These Erev Rav have discredited themselves and can no longer be trusted about anything. They should be removed from their positions and ostracized from the Jewish community.

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