A Grand Classical Birthday - Specially Made For David Cerna - By Thomas Walters Music

3 years ago

Today we celebrate a very close friend that I am thankful every day to call a friend, David Cerna. If you have never heard of him before I would recommend you watch the video where I explain him and at the bottom of this post I will have his profiles linked so you can watch his videos. I HIGHLY recommend you do! In this video, I also put a medley of Classical Pieces and Happy Birthday Together called "A Grand Classical Birthday" David Cerna, I hope you have had an amazing 17th Birthday! You are an amazing person who I am thankful to call a friend! Happy Birthday!

Check His videos out at
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtLw3QJmq6IRnjUR33Y2Jaw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidcerna04/

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