[Public corruption,Asian hate crime] smoking gun evidence by Krizia V. Verplancke, J.D. And OCR

2 years ago


Thank you for coming in to speak with Maya and me today regarding your concerns. This email will summarize our meeting.

During our meeting, we discussed the complaint that you filed with my office regarding your TA, Cynthia Ribar and her grading of your extra credit assignment. During the meeting, you told us that you did not want to proceed with your complaint against Cynthia because the Professor for the course corrected your grade. As such, this email will confirm that we are closing this matter.

I have reviewed your ASU student profile as you requested. I did not find anything attached to your profile that is abnormal for a student profile.

I am attaching the list of resources available to all ASU students. I know that this can be a stressful time of year.

Thank you again for speaking with me and congratulations on graduating.

Krizia V. Verplancke, J.D.
Complex Case Management Specialist
Arizona State University
Office of University Rights and Responsibilities
Office: (480) 727-9462 | Cell: (480) 493-8435

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