What is Rumble putting in their "care packages" for the Afghani refugees?

3 years ago

Are we "allowed" to talk about this?

Will this video get banned like all the rest I post?
*pours ice water with flecks of crushed mint from a sweating glass pitcher shining in the in the sun...on a patio... in the Texas Hill Country*

Let's begin, shall we?



What are you putting in yours?

Mine has:

"The Citizen's Almanac"
...because they'll need to understand that the United States isn't just a collection of strip malls& CostCos& Sam's Club (they seem to looooove Sam's Club! Not sure why, those 'wholesale clubs' don't even save you any money, lol)

"Evolution of Medieval Thought", David Bowles
... to get them up to speed in terms of culture.

"The Righteous Mind", Jonathan Haidt
...to tell them why their country was shit to begin with
& what our expectations of them now are.

"ESV Study Bible",
...now that they've seen how shitty and horrible Islam is, surely they'll be looking for another religion. I mean, I don't expect them to embrace edge-lord atheism.

"Meaning in Positive and Existential Psychology"
...because, as Westerners, they now need to have their shit together& understand psychology& be saved from the "cult of grievance studies" about to tell them they're top of the Progressive Stack.

(May throw "Character Strengths and Virtues handbook" in there as well but at $100 a pop, I dunno.)

"Angry Women"

A pineapple. Do they have this in Whateverthefuckastan? Pineapples? I'm not sure. Imagine their surprise! I may need to explain that this is a fruit that we here in the West eat. "Do not throw this from a rooftop. It's not that kind of fruit. ha ha ha." Oh, also we don't do that here.

A radio.

Dr Bell's pomada. Surely they are sunburnt& dried out skin from clinging to outside of airplane at 30,000 feet.



Also, I drank the Gatorade so...sorry!

A video where I use your natural curiosity& open hearts (and possibly mortal boredom) to shoehorn a bunch of White supremist& fascistic worldview talking points under the guise of 'humor'.

But seriously. No. Why would I do that? I'd likely be killed first, before any'a you fuckers. 'Race traitor', faggola (I'm sure something I've said somewhere would qualify,& I'll be damned someone gonna tell me who or what kind of person I can touch the booty of ((no animals, kids or dementia patients, only willing partners, etc!)))

More likely I will slowly get you to see my true aim which is that jokes are funny. Music is good. There's a bunch of shit we have (here in the West& America) that most take for granted, that we have a large ammount of shit *wrong* with our country as well AND THAT WILL REMAIN WRONG& broken until we learn to work together& quit cancelling each other and think of the INTENTION behind what people say, do, how they behave...over just labelling them this that n the other& assuming the worst.

Lastly, what I want you to ...not to "think", as I might be wrong...but CONSIDER...yknow...in your head there...consider:

China MAY BE INTENT ON taking over the world& harvesting people's spines, eyeballs& 75k a liver, ppl, those roads& bridges don't build themselves using well-intentioned, let us assume, Democrat (party) leaning private businesses (Google, Facebook, Amazon/Youtube)& etc!

But really is just a joke! Or, that's what the damned thing started out as!
We can laugh on the way down, right?
Laugh about things that hurt?
Someaya mufuggas didn't grow up on Richard Pryor, I can tell!
Here's a good one from ol Rich there: https://youtu.be/w2JS0PSmZqw
"Omit the Logic" was also very good, iirc!

My 'Refugee Care Package' bit.
tl;dr: Refugees = top of Progressive Stack!
China = not as kindly and well-intentioned as everyone says!

We used to tell them? (Jokes, that is) They were a way to break the ice and approach controversial issues (jokes! you with me? cmon hurry up follow along here...) without offending people? Or getting them to realize that being offended isn't the end of the world?

"How To Express An Unpopular Opinion (with Bill Burr)" Charisma on Demand

By God, people! At least I'm trying to help them at all! What is /pol/ , Leftypol, 16chan, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Rumble, etc doing? 99%=NOTHING! (I assume, I haven't actually checked all those platforms. "Not everything I say is sarcastic, Sheffield"..a hahaha, ol Stewart Lee, there. Carpet Remnant World is one of the BEST!)

But seriously, if China is going to take over the US the 1st thing they're going to get rid of is comedy. Chinese = notoriously without comedy. True? False? I want to hear what YOU think on Morning Joe! (Russel Brand, there. Good clip!)

After all I could be wrong! What the fuck do I know?
Just an expressive guy! I got the shit rattlin around in my head...& then "spiral of silence", "wake of indifference", archived, banned, only a few people brave enough to sincerely engage. When they do I almost always learn something...but 99%, I assume, choose not to.
C'est la vie! &...bon ton roulette!
Let me post this real quick before my power shuts off again!

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