The Hidden Dangers of 5G & wireless tech

3 years ago

A friend recently bought a new 5G smartphone. She was worried about the '5G' part especially. Two problems: First, there is no 5G where we live, so I just turned it off. Second, the 5G Samsung phone only supports lower frequencies than our local 4G network - IOW, no millimeter wave! Of course, it's about more than just frequency. In reality, it's about way more than just the technologies involved. There is a hidden danger to worrying TOO MUCH about the effects of our wireless wonderland...

Stuff mentioned in the vid:
- 5G is just the tip of the iceberg:
- No more WiFi: How to wire your house for Internet:
- Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health:
- The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor: (affiliate link)

More techie tips:

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