"Embracing Christian Femininity", (1st Tim 2: 11-14), 2021-08-29, Longbranch Community Church

3 years ago

One obvious hallmark of a truly “biblical” church is their willingness to confront and grapple with the bible’s “challenging” passages. And if we’re being honest… there are several. Join with us today as Pastor John Day unpacks 1st Tim 2: 11-14 dealing specifically with “Christian femininity” – an issue that unfortunately, sends many modern & post-modern listeners screaming out of church with their hair on fire.

John’s message – “Embracing Christian Femininity” - was delivered with clarity & grace – and was received gratefully by our distinctly old fashioned, traditional fellowship. As per usual, Ms. Barbara’s stellar piano skills iced the cake, as is her (and our) custom.

*Today’s sermon begins promptly at the 36min/30second mark.

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