NLP and DHE® the differences are important.

3 years ago

Design Human Engineering® takes for granted the opportunity to design internal strategies and states that are both dynamic and compelling. Think about how many good feelings you have. However many that is, it’s not enough. DHE® starts from the premise that, that which is already available to an individual is nowhere near what that person is capable of.

In order to design skills, it is important that observation be precise and that the differences between what you want and what you don’t want are extreme and therefore obvious. These are functions of internal processing. If you wish to know when you have rapport the difference between being in rapport and not being in rapport must be so great that there is absolutely no question. When you see someone you know very well, you know what kind of a mood they are in by the tone of voice they use. The difference between happy and sad is unmistakable. Design Human Engineering® allows you to make the distinction in perception that will make the difference in action. If there is no difference in perception you will learn how to use your senses so that there is one.

When understanding how strategies work you must also understand how they function in relationship to other strategies such as the timelines that are utilized at a given point in time, the meta programs that are active. The ability to design contextual shifts in all parameters simultaneously is the realm of Design Human Engineering®.

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