The Occult

3 years ago

As time goes on, we've noticed a shift in culture. Things that were once weird, taboo, odd, creepy, dangerous, scary, and evil are now normal, fun, empowering, inspiring, progressive, and positive. Things of the Occult once hid in the shadows but now have made their way to the forefront, making their presence known to all. Casting spells on the President is applauded instead of appalled. Marching as the Whore of Babylon is empowering instead of destructive. Playing the Ouija Board is an enlightening game for young children instead of a dangerous door opener to the demonic. The Occult and all of its practices are becoming accepted more and more throughout our society, but does it matter? Are all practices of The Occult dangerous? Aren’t some White Magic? Isn’t that okay? Can’t Christians partake in some of these practices? Join ArieRashelle as she dives into some of the practices of The Occult, searching for answers.

Verses Used:
Revelation 9:21
Matthew 24
Acts 16:16-18
2 Kings 21:6
Matthew 7:13-14

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