Paul Stanley Shares First Post-Covid Photo With A Health Status Update.

3 years ago

Paul Stanley Shares First Post-Covid Photo With A Health Status Update.
KISS lead singer Paul Stanley recently posted his first photo after the COVID-19 diagnosis on his official Twitter account.
He revealed that he has been through hard times while sharing some details about his current health status.
As you may recall, Paul Stanley ended the rumors, which claimed that he had a heart attack and was in the intensive care unit, saying that he has a very healthy and strong heart on his Twitter account.
The fans were happy to hear that until they saw Stanley’s following post.
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Stanley announced that he tested positive for COVID-19, but the band’s other crew members tested negative.
Also, he shared the band’s statement about the concert in.
The concert was postponed to an unknown date due to Stanley’s health problems.
In his recent tweet, Stanley stated that he has been through rough days because of COVID-19, but he seems sure that he will  get better soon.

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