Law, Liberty & Power

3 years ago

“Both liberties and powers are alike limited, under God, and hence under law. Liberty is limited and power is limited because the temporal order is under God.” (The One & The Many, p. 20)

For fallen man, the political battle is always one of power vs liberty. Some men seek for liberty while the remaining seek for power. For example, anarchists and libertarians desire liberty while socialists, technocrats, politicians, and oligarchs seek for power.

To seek power is to emphasize the “one,” while to seek liberty is to emphasize the “many.”

This is an unresolvable conflict without God as the determining factor for both power and liberty, which is resolved in the law of God and the kingship of Christ.

Therefore, both power and liberty are limited by law—God’s law.

Part of the educational mission of Chalcedon is to restore this presupposition and further the development of its implications, and that’s the subject of this episode of The Chalcedon Podcast.

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