Are Demons Real?

3 years ago

It seems like the older we get, the more we believe that the spiritual realm and the supernatural are just fairy tales. We become more and more skeptical of testimonies of the spiritual world, especially in terms of belief in demons, which is even taboo in the church. We’ve become desensitized to everything that we can’t see, hear, or touch. Though many don’t believe in demons, many have no other choice but to because they actually see them. In today’s world, seeing demons is seen as a mental illness, and many are actually hospitalized for being able to. Join ArieRashelle as she strives to answer the question, “Are Demons Real?”

Verses Used:
Deuteronomy 32:17
Psalms 106:37
Matthew 7:22
Revelation 18:2
1 Corinthians 10:20-21
1 Timothy 4:1
Acts 17:8
Matthew 9:32-33
Mark 9:17-18
Mark 1:34
Luke 8:30-33
Mark 16:17
1 Timothy 4:1-3
Revelation 12:9
Genesis 3:1
Mark 5:6-13

More Verses

• Demonized/Casting Out Demons
Matthew 4:24
Matthew 8:15-17
Matthew 8:28-32
Matthew 9:34
Luke 4:41
Luke 8:2
Luke 9:1
• Characteristics of Demons
Matthew 12:43-44
Mark 3:11
Luke 8:29
James 2:19
• Link to Unclean Spirit
Mark 6:7-9; Luke 9:1-3
Revelation 16:13-14

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