The magical power of fire sounds

2 years ago

What attracts people the most when they want to relax? Well, of course, the sound of the surf, the sound of rain outside the window, the flame of a campfire or in the fireplace, the singing of birds in the garden or in the forest, and, of course, pleasant quiet music listening to which you want to relax, close your eyes and plunge into the magical world of distant space.

I’ll try to help you create the atmosphere that will allow you to choose exactly what will best suit your mood, your condition, your desire. With this video, I open a series of videos that will allow you to realize your desire with which you want to enter the world of sounds, the World of the Universe.

The flame of a bonfire, the crackling of burning wood, the sounds of the night forest - all this creates an atmosphere of tranquility. The inexplicable magical attraction of fire promotes relaxation, takes you somewhere far, far away. I remember how in our youth my friends and I loved to go out into the forest. There we kindled a fire, made baked potatoes, boiled water and drank tea. And with the onset of darkness, we liked to take turns telling terrible stories. The sounds of the night forest added fear. With age, trips to the forest have become less frequent, but the magical power of fire in a home fireplace still attracts.

Turn on your player, sit back in a chair, relax and plunge into this peaceful atmosphere.
Get some rest. Be healthy and happy!

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