
2 years ago

A sweet, late September afternoon in Chicago. MY favourite kinda weather.

Uber pickup by a big youngish guy in a big youngish vehicle – tells us he’s separated AND has six kids to take care of! Yet he seemed quite happy-go-lucky.

Jared squeezed in time to join us before his evening flight, by just dragging his luggage right along with him!

Richard led the way – or maybe Richard’s GPS led us, back and forth, forth and back … whatever – there was always something new to look at, no matter how many times we doubled back. Being downtown was exhilarating.

Jared had suggested the Navy Pier as our destination, as it was a central tourist area. Here, there, up and down … just soaking it all in, we drifted to the river and found ourselves at a burger joint. And a mighty fine one at that. And fast. Just as well, as Jared was pressed to make his Los Angeles flight. More boats and people and architecture and dogs and birds and street musicians of renown.

“A taxi is a dangerous way of living,” said our 60-ish Uber driver as he coaxed his Escalade through downtown Chicago and back towards the suburb of Burr Ridge. “Uber’s much safer. We don’t carry cash.” With his station set on soul and funk, Pharell’s 'Happy' moved us out of the city and on our way back home – or at least as far as our hotel.

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