If You Play with Fire, You'll Get Burned - Reading Between the Lions Part 3

2 years ago

Have you ever been so moved by something that you knew it changed your life only to discover a few weeks, or maybe only days, later, you are right back to where you were before? Maybe some of us know someone who promises they will change, and maybe they do for a short time, but before too long they are right back to engaging in the same destructive behavior.

On the flip side, maybe we, or someone we know always seems poised no matter what their circumstances. They always have a sense of peace about them no matter how tumultuous life is. These kind of people usually illicit questions from others like, “Why can’t I be like that? How can I make myself trust God more?”

In this episode, we delve into a very familiar story from the Book of Daniel - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refusing to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue; and for their disobedience, they are thrown into a fiery furnace. This narrative can be so familiar to us, that it ends up on the same level as Cinderella, instead of actual history. We can also think of it just as a sweet Sunday School story and miss the rich theology contained in the narrative.

Join us as we delve deeply into Daniel chapter 3 and see this is so much more than a story of 3 guys who had faith in God and were therefore, saved from death!

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