Straight Shooting News w/ Bandana Ed - August 29, 2021

3 years ago

8 29 2021 Straight Shooting News A Course of Action: Traitors Aboard, Traitors Within at Federal, State and Locally Coming After Us and Particularly Our Children
*No Matter Your Source of News, What We See Happening Is Not Incompetence, It Was Planned to happen or set up and allowed.
*As each week passes the events worldwide, nationally, in the states, and in localities intensifies, and there is no sign of it letting up.
*The choices are becoming clearer as more people awaken from what they falsely believed was freedom granted to them from others. Americans and people across the globe will understand what tyranny is all about if we don’t take a stand now.
* Our Enemies within Aiding Our Enemies Abroad.
* what we can do at our own level to fight back.
*A clip from FOX; most important news is not the most broadcasted. Thanks Aldo

* Glenn Beck from the "Nazarene Fund". Why would the State Department and the White House obstruct the evacuation of Christians out of Afghanistan? Why would Military be ordered to force the people already inside the wall of the airport back outside right before the suicide bomber set off his vest?

*Right from the horse’s mouth “We don't know who the Afghan refugees are …”
*Our Military Bases are housing refugees. What could go wrong?
Context: Eisenhower Farewell Address
*Botched operations?
* Pakistan! Recall Imran Awan - IT guy for the 2016 Democrat Party working for Fla Rep Debbie Wasserman Shultz the set up and had access to everyone in the Democrat Parties information? Was he a spy for the Islamic regime in Pakistan that McGregor was talking about?
*Sharing information with the Taliban for security the same people we were killing for 20 years.
*We gave the Taliban a list of American’s in the country.
* Border crisis! Pumping more refugees into our country
* Syria! Remember ISIS and all the photos and Videos of Beheading?
* Did any of you see the photo ops with U.S. Congressmen Like McCain, Graham, Rubio and other with ISIS leaders in Syria that were circulating just prior to the 2016 Election?
* Military Industrial Complex the Green Bret who lost his wife and Senate Candidate was referring to?

They took the Afghan Armies support Away, turned over a list of our people in country to our enemies, setting up the worse Hostage Situation in Modern History.
*pumping in Unvetted refugees
*Trusting the Taliban or CIA’s new ISIS K
*Trump allowed the U.S. Military loose to do what they know how to do really well that that ended. Where did ISIS get their weapons to wage war, where will CIA Special K get theirs, they were left there on purpose, that are no mistake.
* A Well Trained and Equipped Military that we when given an assignment can do anything, but it politicians get in the easy and want us to play patty cake in was is an ugly and horrifying situation.
*When you spend 20 years killing a people and their families here is what you create:
*Prather Clip – warning - graphic violence.

'Woke' US Army soldier likens citizens to 'the enemy'

*Why all the lies and purposely produced chaos and confusion?
* look at Aaron Babbitt’s eyes - husband of Ashli, murdered in cold blood at the capital on January 6th
*We The People have caught them all CIA, FBI, DOD, and the whole damn Executive Branch of Government from everything to Sedition or Treason right to committing crimes against humanity.
Dr. Bridle Clip calling out the lies, because the Virus is in the Vaccines!

* a study just released August 25 2021 - comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections - demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant
* CDC has a foundation, and receives gifts
*Every American needs to step and do what they can do within their power and influence of power.
* Europe and Australia hitting the streets. In Canada a convention was canceled once the word of a major protest was planned.

High School Junior know the law

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