PETER RETURNED TO JESUS AFTER DENYING HIM AND YOU CAN TOO! Get back in the fight after you fail.

2 years ago

Bob Baulch of the That's Jesus Channel presents a sermon that outlines how Peter went from denying Jesus three times - to becoming the Apostle who not only penned two of the books of the New Testament, he was the mentor who gave Mark the information he needed to pen the gospel of Mark.

Join in the discovery of how Peter went from the high of proclaiming Jesus as the Christ - the Son of the Living God - to saying he had never met the man. What do you do when you've told God that you would NEVER participate in some sinful activity, yet you find yourself immersed in it again or for the first time? How do you recover? How do you make it right? Do you give up? Or do you engage in the fight?

Track: Freedom Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0


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