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God’s House Has a Gate!
God’s House Has a Gate!
By Pastor Gary Wayne
Text: Genesis 28:10-22, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Paul talked about the understanding that with the Holy Spirit living in us, then we are the “Temple of God.”
What does it mean to be the “tabernacle with God?” To be God’s house?
Why does this matter? How should this change the way I live every day?
Let’s go to the first place scripture talks about the house of God. Gen.28:10-22
Ver.17 “This is not other than the house of God…”
What did Jacob mean? There was no physical building there. He wasn’t talking about a religious gathering, or group, or organization.
I believe he was simply saying, he had stumbled onto a place where God was.
But I also believe he was prophetically pointing to who Jesus was when Jesus came on the scene.
John 1:1, ver.14 “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”
The word dwelt = to reside as God did in the Tabernacle of old.
“Jesus became flesh and “tabernacled" with us.”
The “house of God” is not a building, but a Person.
So the fulfillment of Gen.28:17 was initially with Jesus, but it didn’t stop with Him.
When Jesus taught His followers about Him leaving He said he would sent the Holy Spirit.
Joh 14:16-17 "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Cor.3:16
We are the “tabernacle”, dwelling place for the presence of the Holy Spirit.
So the prophetic dream of Jacob wasn’t just about Jesus, but about us also.
Gen.28:17 “… and this is the gate of heaven!”
In Biblical times, both Old & New, What are gates for?
To protect, To allow access, To deny access.
I think God wants me to be a gateway to His presence. For me, and others.
So if I am the House of God, what gates have I allowed to my / His house?
Ok, now what? Now that I understand I am the House of God, and that God has made me to be a gateway, now what?
Do you remember what took place right after Jesus took a whip and cleaned the temple in Matthew 21?
Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them. Mt 21:14
It is imperative that we keep the holy place holy.
If a gate hasn’t been used much, it starts to protest at being used by being resistant and squeaking.
The Holy Spirit’s anointing oil, keeps the gate free to move without squeaking and reduces being resistant.
In Jacob’s dream, angels were ascending and descending on a ladder. (ver.12)
Too often angel activity in my life is rare, because I live safe enough, I don’t need angelic activity.
The month of September has always been a seasonal change. Weather changes, school starts, Summer activity changes, etc.
I want to challenge us to make next month “Spiritual Emphasis” month.
That’s where I take a look at making my house comfortable for the presence of God.
I re-establish God as my sole desire.
As my soul desire.
Gary Wayne Bible Teaching
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