Show Me The Virus

3 years ago

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A casual chat amongst friends about what we have learned over the course of the last year and a half. From our understanding of science and how viruses and germs do or don't actually work to our ability to extend compassion to those who are scared and/or don't understand us, this period has test of our humanity, our resilience and our intelligence. What have we learned? How are we doing? Where do we go from here?

“Show Me the Virus” with Natasha Lloyd

Topics include:
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman and exosomes
- Dr. Tom Cowan, The Contagion Myth
- Germ vs terrain theory
- No virus has ever been isolated in it’s pure state
- Patrick King
- Dr. Stefan Lanka experiments
- Chicken pox
- Professor Luc Montagnier
- 100th monkey syndrome
- Bottom line: they come from the inside out, not the outside in
- Water and Jerrod Pollock
- 4th phase water
- Programming our biochemistry
- Invisible Rainbow
- Signaling through resonance
- How to deal

Natasha’s Suggested Resources for going deeper on Terrain Theory:


The Contagion Myth, Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon

What Really Makes You Ill, Dawn Lester and David Parker

Virus Mania, Torsten Engelbrecht

Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firsentberg


The Emperor Has no Clothes:

Some well done short documenetaries by Spacebusters:

Hippocratic Hippocracy

Germs Debunk Corona

Virology Debunks Corona

People (Much content available on their websites and Bitchute/Rumble/Odyssey and sometimes YouTube from these folks, including good interviews and shows)

Tom Cowan

Andrew Kaufman

Stefan Lanka

Kelly Brogan

Sayer Ji

Samantha Bailey

Amanda Vollmer

Dawn Lester and David Parker

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