NPHET to Disband in October, a short film

3 years ago



(Can someone put this on facebook and twitter? I can't get on - Rumble link is here and below)

NPHET, is an awkward acronym, that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. But when your health service is run by snakes from the abyss, it makes perfect sense.

The name was chosen by Irish Freemason/Jesuit Occult-Egypt-obsessed loons after the Egyptian God NPHETYS, who symbolizes 'the death experience' in the most influential Egyptian fable, the Osiris myth - more on that soon.

This short film stars Tony Holohan, Simon McGlynn, Philip Nolan, Leo Varadkar, and Anthony Staines. These were most vocal filth across NPHET & ISAG's Irish media appearances in the last 18 months, the ones who reveled in the slaughter and madness most, among many more evil people who actively worked to murder tens of thousands of Irish people of all ages these past 18 months.

NPHET is the Irish National Public Health Emergency Team. They have been the bludgeon used by the Irish Government to destroy our God-given freedoms and personal sovereignties in the name of satanic lockdowns. They have MURDERED many thousands with a vaccine they knew we didn't need - one that is designed only to sicken and kill.

These men caused thousands of Irish children to suffer and be abused, and they killed many thousands more people through mass suicides that they KNEW would come thanks to their fear and hope-destroying agenda.

Unjustified unscientific lockdowns and suffocating mask mandates were their weapons of choice, herding the sheep intp the gaping maw of lethal 'vaccines' that are designed depopulate and enrich the crown pharmaceutical industry that bought these men's souls long ago. All, we are told, for a virus with an official 99.98% survival rate (if it exists at all).

These men & women knew what they were doing, and they intended to kill Irish people in their hundreds of thousands. These people, all of them, are pure satanic evil. They knew what they were doing, and continue to this day to push their satanic agenda, flying in the face of all real science, logic, common decency. These men are malevolent.

NPHET are set to disband in October of 2021. No prizes for guessing why they're trying now heading for the hills - even the duped vaccinated people of Ireland are starting to wake up.

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