August 29, 2021

2 years ago

Teachings of Samurai “The Unfettered Mind” -Writings From a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (1573-1645) Well then, the accomplished man uses the sword but does not kill others. He uses the sword and gives others life. When necessary to kill, he kills. When killing, he kills in complete concentration; when giving life, he gives life in complete concentration. Without looking at right and wrong, he is able to see right and wrong; without attempting to discriminate, he is able to discriminate well. Treading on water is just treading on land, and treading on land is just like treading on water. If he is able to gain freedom, he will not be perplexed by anyone on earth. In all things, he will be beyond companions. In Heaven above and Earth below, I alone am the Honored One.” -Takuan Soho, Bushido 武士道

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