Your Customer Service Cheat Sheet | part 1: 6 Steps to Successful Customer Interactions

2 years ago

Throughout my years of leading customer service and technical support teams, I've picked up many tips and tricks and learned a lot of approaches to coaching and training agents in customer service and phone support.

I often have put together a 'cheat sheet' for my support teams with some quick reference information on how to approach a customer interaction. For those in phone support, it's hugely beneficial to focus on these 6 areas of a customer interaction:
1:20 Smile
2:02 Answer
3:41 Gather
5:16 Ask
6:51 Listen
8:10 Wrap Up

|communicate |relate |innovate |create


#customerservice #customersupport #phonesupport #support #helpdesk #leadership #management #business #career

music credit: StreamBeats --

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