Erin Andrews Shares She's Undergoing Round 7 of IVF.

3 years ago

Erin Andrews Shares She's Undergoing Round 7 of IVF.
Erin Andrews is going through her seventh round of IVF, and she doesn't want others who have experienced fertility struggles to feel alone.
In a new essay on Bulletin on Wednesday, the sports broadcaster opened up about her difficult process of trying to start a family, revealing that she's been going through IVF since she was 35.
"It's a time-consuming and emotionally draining process," she shared of in vitro fertilization.
"This is my 7th one, and I've been going through these treatments since I was 35 years old."
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"I'm now 43, so my body is kind of stacked against me.
I have been trying to do IVF treatment for a while now, but sometimes it doesn't go the way you want it.
Your body just doesn't allow it," she wrote.
"Every cycle is different in a woman's body, so some months are better than others.

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