Will The FDA Destroy Our Military? -

2 years ago

Mandate fascism has been unleashed. Pfizer which has produced a vaccine with an efficacy that has been reported as low as 39% was approved by the FDA over Moderna with 76% efficacy. Why? Former FDA head Gottlieb jumped ship in 2019 and joined the board of Pfizer. While Biden's nominee Janet Woodcock who worked under Gottlieb now oversees the FDA. Dr. Woodcock presided over one of the worst regulatory agency failures in U.S. history.

As the Director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Woodcock approved Opana without adequate evidence of safety or long-term efficacy, approving Zohydro despite a vote of 11-2 against approval by a scientific advisory committee, and approving promotion of OxyContin for children as young as 11 years old. Under her leadership overdose deaths have skyrocketed.

And now, under Woodcock's directives. More than 800,000 Military troops must immediately get the COVID-19 vaccine, per orders of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin saying service leaders must “impose ambitious timelines for implementation.” The tyranny isn't coming. It is here. Totalitarian chaos will now reign over our Constitutional rights for the remainder of 2021. The dissemination of truth must be accelerated as the propaganda fueled mandates wash over Americans as a raging tsunamai of despotism. -

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