Episode 34: Rehab your Back!

3 years ago

Last year Bryce injured his back while working on the library at home. He was pulling down the drop ceiling tiles along with the wood framing and stretched too much while on a ladder. The pain was intense for months. I did not matter if it was sleeping, standing, or sitting at the office. It was constantly reminding him that there was something not right. He was going to chiropractor, massage therapists. doctor, dry needling and more for relief. Everything helped - only for a short time. It was time for something different. He decided to do rehab through the Paulding County Hospital and the therapist was fantastic.
What worked the best was just doing simple exercises with a stretchy band that anyone can do at home!
Here Bryce will show you what he did, and still does to try and keep up on making sure his back muscles are properly getting exercised.

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