Harry Derbitsky, Joe Fletcher and Nikki Davison -: Mental Health Transformations

2 years ago

Quantum Nurse https://www.quantumnurse.life/ presents
Tuesday, Aug 28, 2021 @ 1:00 PM EST 6:00 PM UK 7:00 PM Germany
Guest: Harry Derbitsky, Joe Fletcher, Nikki Davison & Mark Slee

Topic: Mental Health Transformations


Harry Derbitsky, President of ACT Training Inc. (Advanced Coaches Training), (www.acttraining.biz) is an International 3 Principles Educator; webinar co-host of TAWHID: Spiritual Unity of the 3 Principles; co-host of Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles; lead coach for the MENTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATIONS Group along with working with the Indigenous and clients from every continent in the world. Harry is an author of four books including his latest “Evolution of Addiction Recovery Re-Opened--Book 2.” Harry was an early student of Sydney Banks and personally benefited professionally and personally from Sydney’s message of pure Truth about the 3 Principles of Universal Mind, Thought & Consciousness

Joe suffered from decades of health and mental health struggles that severely restricted his life before he came across the 3 Principles, first by reading a book and then discovering Sydney Banks. Later, he was invited to become a member of MENTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATIONS and has arranged many webinar/podcast/conference talks as both a Member and the Communications Manager of the Group. He has now discovered his own inner healing and purpose and seen that he can live a life of fulfillment despite being told by mental health professionals that he had no hope of recovery.
Joe was able to see his own inner wisdom and power and that he is so much more than the limiting beliefs that had always held him a prisoner in his own misguided personal thoughts. Before this Joe had been to several therapists and through the mental health system without ever really being able to find the answer to how to move past his mental turmoil. He has also worked as a peer member for a mental health charity and started his training as a therapist.
Please read Joe’s published poem, THE BUTTERFLY, at the MENTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATIONS group website Hi Grace,

Nikki Davison

My career started as a teacher. In my early thirties, I started to experience anxiety, depression, and debilitating panic attacks. I started having person centred therapy and continued with this for 2 years. At the time I found this very helpful and decided to leave teaching and retrain as a psychotherapist. For 10 years after qualification, I worked in this field as well as continuing to have bouts of serious mental health issues.
Two and a half years ago, quite by accident, I came across the understanding of The 3 Principles. The simplicity and truth of this understanding has quite literally changed my life - not only the mental health issues but relationships and finally returning to my true sense of self. An understanding of how I work - how we all work - that has led me finally back to peace of mind.
I have subsequently completed a transformational coach training programme and now share this understanding in my private practice and as part of the Mental Health Transformations group. A group that has been pivotal in continuing to bring me ‘back home’, ground me in the understanding, and give me confidence in what I share.

(https://www.acttraining.biz/pursuit-of-truth-regarding-mental-h), and for personal contact at joebassman35@gmail.com.

Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse

Hartmut Schumacher

Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind

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