Is China Developing “Civilization Killer” BioWeapons?, 3684

3 years ago

As you have seen over the past 10 days, I had dental surgery on Aug. 17 – just 10 days ago. But I had to keep working.
I started taking Stem Enhance before surgery day. Why? Because SEU thins the glue inside your bone marrow that holds and protects the adult stem cells as they develop. But as we age, that glue becomes thicker and so it doesn’t release as many adult stem cells into the bloodstream as when we were younger. But SEU thins that sticky glue so you release more of your own natural adult stem cells into your bloodstream, so you repair faster.
Adult stem cells are the repair crews of the human body. Without them we would not be alive.

Well, you all saw how swollen up my face was at first. But guess what, there wasn’t one bit of pain. I was floored!
This is radical dental surgery, They removed all the teeth in the top of my mouth and replaced them with 4 implants and one giant bridge – in about 2 hours, and I was home before dark.
But from the moment I woke up from the sedation, to today – zero pain.

I took 3 SEUs whenever I thought about it – 2-3 times per day. But the swelling was bad and interfered with my ability to speak into the camera, so I started taking two Cyactive’s along with the SEU. On the label of Cyactive is a very modest claim: “Helps Balance and Calm Whole Body inflammation.”

The result, as you saw day by day was the swelling and bruising went away in record time.
I really can’t recommend SEU and Cyactive enough.
Oh, one other thing, one of the prescription meds the doctors gave me, made my hip flare up. For the first time in my life I was walking around the house like “Chester” in the old Gunsmoke series on TV- a noticeable limp.

So I stopped taking the prescription meds and started up on another Cerule product, Cyactive Joint. It only took a couple days to start to see some improvement and now, two days later, that pain is completely gone too.
This stuff comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you’ve got problems that could use some regeneration, check it out at:
Then scroll down and click on the blue “More Info” button.


Good Saturday morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

According to THE top China expert in the U.S., Gordon Chang, China’s ties to the Taliban go back to before 9/11.
Chang was interviewed on Fox & Friends this morning.
[insert to: “… zero sum game for them.”

China is cleverly playing off the radical muslims just as they are off the New World Order communists. Who will win out is impossible to predict, but ultimately their struggle, will provide long-term hope that the USA can be reset on a course of recovery after another term for President Trump.

As we reported in our last report, SR 3683, although you never hear about the connection between the Taliban and China in the mainstream media, China has been deeply involved throughout the long war in Afghanistan.


This is important. She just said that President George W. Bush had deliberately ignored China’s role in funding and arming the Taliban. It’s because Daddy Bush was a big supporter of strengthening China’s role on the world stage – for whatever reason.


Me too. I never knew this before. Now it all comes out. God works in mysterious ways.
Then the subject of China’s role in unleashing COVID on the world.


Remember, go to and click on the More Info button to try Cerule products.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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