Undone In Sorrow - Banjo - Folk Song -Ola Belle Reed - cover

3 years ago

Undone In Sorrow is a folk song written by Ola Belle Reed. It`s a beautiful broken hearted love song. I give a description and tell a little story about the song and then I sing and play it on the banjo, clawhammer style. So many great covers on YouTube. ClawhammerBrainjo, Riley Baugus and many others. Clifton Hicks has a banjo lesson posted on his channel.

Undone in sorrow - lyrics
Written by Ola Belle Reed
Banjo tuning fDGCD relative

Over yonder in the graveyard
Where the wild, wild flowers grow
There they lay my true lover
She's gone from me forever more

Fairest than the sweetest flower
Restless as the wildest wind
Born with a love deep as the ocean
This was the girl that I did win

Left her there back in the mountains
To see the world, riches to gain
when I returned no earthly treasures
Could ease this heart so full of pain

Way up high upon that mountain
Beneath that little mound of clay
Oh, the girl that I returned to marry
So still among the flowers she lay

I'll go away and I will wander
Lay aside my earthly gain
I'll not end, as a man with riches
Undone in sorrow I remain
Undone in sorrow I remain

0:00 - Song description
1:00 - Song starts
4:03 - Song ends and a few cover shout outs

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