Nobel Prize Laureat - Prof. Luc Montagnier - Variants come from the Vaccines - 14 May 2021

2 years ago

Prof. Luc Montagnier - Les VARIANTS viennent des vaccinations.
14 May 2021, In French.

Le grand scientifique Luc Montagnier expose les dangers de la vaccination qui fait croire qu’elle lutte contre la pandémie. Or, c’est le contraire, elle la nourrit ! De plus, le virus variant résiste à la vaccination : « les nouveaux variants sont créés par la sélection des anticorps produits par la vaccination ».

« C’est une énorme erreur, c’est une erreur scientifique et une faute médicale inexplicable, l’histoire fera le bilan un jour de tout ça, car c’est effectivement la vaccination qui a créé le variant. »

"The great scientist Luc Montagnier exposes the dangers of vaccination that makes us believe that it fights against the pandemic. However, it is the opposite, it feeds it! In addition, the variant virus is resistant to vaccination: "new variants are created by the selection of antibodies produced by vaccination".

"It's a huge mistake, it's a scientific error and an inexplicable medical fault, history will one day take stock of all this, because it was actually vaccination that created the variant."

An individual on Youtube commented:
"If variants, he explains, are created by he has to explain to us why the so-called 'English' variant spread long before the vaccines were distributed in the United Kingdom?"

Not only this statement is a false question but unless this individual is has a secret Nobel Prize he should simply shut tha'fuck up, listen and learn!

However simply answered, variants are created naturally in the human-environment all the time with or without vaccines. The problem is that by vaccinating the human intervention accelerates the evolutionary speed of these mutations and the degree of pathogenicity, possibly leading to super variants and vaccine resistance. That's why we should not be vaccinating during a pandemic.


The silly post:

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