Chuck Schumer Dancing - While American Civilians & Military Stuck in Afghanistan

3 years ago

DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL “New York Sewer Demon Rat” or known as “Democrat Leader” Chuck Schumer! What a pile of trash! Look at this disgusting creature! How can anyone be laughing or happy at this time? Our country is at war and on high alert! They are letting all kinds of terrorist people in this country not only from Afghanistan but the SOUTHERN BOARDER TOO! Big Distraction!! Wake the F up people!! #ChuckSchumer #Kabul #Afghanistan #DeepState #DontTreadOnMe #Trump #ImpeachBiden #TerrorThreat #BidenMustGo #BloodOnTheUSALeadershipHands #Corrupt #China #War #ChuckThinksThisIsFunny #WakeUp

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