Future Dystopia: Transhumanism & Medical Tyranny

3 years ago

In tonight’s video, we are going to be looking at transhumanism and the control mechanisms that are hidden within the internet of bodies system. The entirety of the new system that is being built all around us, is built off of medical tyranny. They are trying to control society through medical surveillance, persecution of dissent, and through changing the human genome. The ultimate goal is to no longer have humans be considered a natural entity and have us move into the artificial.

During the intro you will hear about “the bigger picture” and how we are being prepped for this transition. We are moving into an era of increased authoritarian government control, mixed with technofascism, technology-based merging of government and corporations, and a two-tiered society based off of a medical apartheid.

Part two – Begins 8:41

We will analyze a video that discusses the internet of bodies and medical surveillance. Although it is a dark concept to consider I believe it is important to understand the ramifications of such a system.

Part three – Begins at 17:16

We will discuss the rand organization report which again discusses the internet of bodies – The Rand Organization put together an extensive look at the invasive technology and how it helps authoritarian states monitor citizens.

The end of the video – Begins at 21:21

Discusses the world economic forums presentation on Future Love. This presentation revolves around the normalization of relationships with AI and transhumanist technology. As they look to control reproduction more and more – normalizing relationship’s with synthetic or artificial beings is going to be key. If they are going to pull this off, they need to begin planting seeds into the public consciousness now.

If we don’t pay attention and start looking at the world in different way – moving away from the present tense and being looking at the world through the lens of these power mad tyrants – looking at political moves in the future tense.

We will lose our humanity and have our natural state be overrun by the artificial.

Our thoughts won’t be genuine, our movements will be dictated, and emotions will be binary.

It is possible to install new medical treatments, heal the world, without destroying what it means to be human. I just don’t understand why they don’t see it this way…

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