How the Deep State Works is shown via hiding technology & UFOs

2 years ago

This is a very long video (almost 4 hours). Well worth the time to learn how (at minimum) the deep state in the USA operates. There is some trans national criminal organization in this as well.

This info is good body of information that does mention the overall crime syndicate that governs the planet that people can easily imagine.

What it likly leaves out is the off-planet influence we aren't told that's literally been going on for eons and eons (maybe millions of years) on Earth that is hidden from us as we've all been groomed in a global system to accept and believe information from approved/sanctioned sources.

Once disclosure is official, we'll learn where our history is different than what is true. I wouldn't be surprised to know we'll have to re-learn science (as taught by Venutions [humans from Venus)) as our star-seed cousins have been watching & keeping accurate record of all that has occured.

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