Can you handle the TRUTH? Here it is

2 years ago

We ALL KNOW something is just not right with this vaccine, this bio-weapon. But I'll bet you didn't know THIS, unless you are one of the very few!

We are living in the End Times unless humanity gets off of the internet and into the Church. We in America MUST JOIN the CSPOA and then get our County Sheriff to join as well!

The CSPOS is the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association can be found at and if you do nothing else today, go there and join up AND contact your local Sheriff and urge him to join too!

The fun and games are over folks! People have thought me crazy before over this, and to be honest I understand.

But I'm NOT crazy! I've been a sinner my entire life! I've never been a church attendee or even a big Bible Reader to be honest. But there has been too many times during my life that I should have been killed, honestly, I should have been dead and gone, but Christ stepped in on my behalf and saved me. He has had His Hand on my shoulder my entire life despite me being undeserving of His protection.

So I finally allowed Him into my life despite not understanding what purpose he could have for me. Perhaps THIS is the purpose he saved me for, to educate you about this today!

Everything this man says is true. There are BILLIONS OF US versus thousands of them! But they are in high places, but NOT untouchable!

PLEASE believe me when I say the ONLY WAY to save America is by joining CSPOA and getting our county sheriffs to join as well!

The County Sheriff is an ELECTED Official with the authority to ARREST and he also has the Constitutional authority to deputize his citizens, or to "Form a Militia"

The ONE THING they overlooked, our Sheriffs!
And while real police reform is an issue for me, I believe that 99% of our Sheriffs are honest, trustworthy Americans.

Those of you in other countries I don't know how to tell you to fight, but once we retake America we'll be there for you, guaranteed!

Right NOW Today! Join and then discuss it with YOUR SHERIFF! His FIRST DUTY is to uphold the Constitution!

So his second duty should be arresting those who subvert it right?
I think so! RIGHT NOW! and SHARE!

Original video from BitChute "TRUTH - BY ALEXIS BUGNOLO"

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