3 years ago


We must look at brave people in the past that have stuck by their convictions and beliefs, even at the cost of torture, execution and death.

From the Roman Empire to 20th Century murderous regimes, opponents have been targeted, arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and executed.

Look at the story of Sir Thomas “man for all seasons” More, who opposed King Henry VIII and was eventually executed. All he had to do was take an oath to the King and accept his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.

All we have to do is take an oath to the Globalists by defiling our bodies with a chemical injection of unknown agents made from aborted baby foetuses. Arguably, that’s worse than More’s predicament - but that is purely subjective.

We can look at any victims of oppression and martyrs from the past.

Those that stick by not just their principles, standards and convictions, but most importantly truth and freedom, will always have a clear conscience and a clear path forward. They will float on cloud nine above the lies.

Those that peddle lies and believe in lies will dig themselves into a hole and will have to answer to their conscience.

The zombies may say, “come on, it’s only an injection”, but that is again, their subjective (and naive and brainwashed) reasoning.

We know the Globalists are evil. But their puppet politicians and dutiful minions such as the police force, must think very carefully before following a lie, lest you dig yourself into a hole you are unable to climb out of.

The same applies to the ordinary folk that either believed the lies and rushed off to get the “jab”, or else were effectively coerced into getting it (for example, for fear of losing your job).

You have dug yourself into a massive hole that will be increasingly harder to extricate yourself from. If you accepted this lie, you will accept future lies. If you got this “jab” you will line up for any future “jab” or “booster”.

Hell, you may jump off a cliff if the government says it’s for your own good. You’re already doing things that are insane like wearing slave masks (even while driving alone in a car), standing on dots 1.5m apart, washing your hands constantly and fearing others.

That the government has gotten perfectly healthy people to line up for medical tests and injections is the ultimate form of compliant zombie-like behaviour - they now know they can do anything to us idiotic peasants.

This is Stockholm Syndrome-like compliance with government mind control that is beyond belief.

To sum up the government’s crimes:
It is illegal to take away or abrogate in any way freedoms and human rights that are guaranteed, inherent and inalienable by international law.
These freedoms and human rights include: free speech, freedom of movement, free will and opinion, the right to express that free will and opinion, freedom to protest peacefully, freedom to congregate in private or public, freedom of religion, and control over your own body.
Since these freedoms and human rights cannot be taken away, the idea that a government can then grant them back to us is therefore impossible.
The government - aided by the police - is breaching international human rights law and therefore committing crimes against humanity.
Offering back your freedoms, human rights and civil liberties at the cost of taking an injection is by definition terrorism - using threats and coercion to achieve an end.
That an untold number of people have died from a lack of health care, suicides and the so-called “vaccines” themselves, means that murder and genocide has also been committed.
That the government and police are serving foreign agencies such as the United Nations, international corporations and other bodies is an act of treason against Australia.
The above crimes means that government and commonwealth officers have breached their oaths and duty of care, not to mention all norms of civilised behaviour and morals.

So again, I ask you, who is willing to stand by their beliefs and convictions - based on freedom, civil liberty, truth and facts - and against the lies and deceit?

Just how far we have to go to do what is right is up to the criminal tyrants.

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