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Luciferse Detecting Street Lights
Luciferase Detecting Street Lights.
I believe these lights are actually going to be used to detect the Luciferian that glows in the jabbed.
I believe that they are going to change and become violent and they are going to need to be able to spot these people quickly thus the reason for the UV street lights.
They want to be able to detect the Jabbinated people easily.
Are they planning for an uprising in these Jabbanatted people?
Perhaps they are the ones that are going to go crazy and start attacking one another.
Is this why they need them in the streets?
The Genetic engineering of animals with the use of bioluminesence.
The animal that contains bioluminesent D*NA are certain varieties of jellyfish.
These animals contain a substance called "luciferin"
that exists also in certain algaes, that once it is met with oxygen, allows the entities to glow.
Luciferin mixed with oxygen creates a
bioluminesent reaction when the energy is released
from the organism as we have seen in the waters that
meets the shore
in certain locations and in certain deep sea animals
aside from just jellyfish.
An actual enzyme called luciferase facilitates this reaction.
What geneticists that works with genetic modification have been doing is taking the
enzyme lucifer*ase
and through a cultivated serum that includes graphene and
nano*technology, they are inserting it into animals in order to make them bioluminesent.
Why is the question because the facts are, to alter any land based biology with foreign
enzymes that are of a deep sea dwelling biologic,
is unconscionable, immoral and by and large,
physiologically malevolent to a species who can never,
ever be restored to its former, divinely given genetic coded D*NA.
These mad scientists who are only interested in playing
God by altering species specific genetic organic material with opposing species specific
genetic encodements and biologics have developed
the capacity to alter
ALL SPECIES from their original state of divine organic homeostasis and genetic essence
with the intentional insertion of luciferase.
This has been done with absolute success with many
species of animals like fish, frogs, lizards, rats, rabbits, kittens, puppies, sheep, pigs,
monkeys and so on.
Mammals who now are genetically altered with luciferin,
permanently, irrevocably, capable of "glowing" under a UV black light in various colors. Green.
Yellow. Pink. Blue. Purple.
All the colors of the rainbow essentially.
The rainbow.
A symbol that is extremely important to the luciferians.
Lucifer, their jehovah, is the god of light.
The shimmering morningstar
Ment to light our way into the new age of transhumanism,
black magic esoterics and il-lumination...
which could be brought into matter, not just intellect, through bioluminesence.
Now, this genetic modification,
is a complete success in that animals
born from
parents injected with luciferin will be born bioluminesent.
However, an animal can be injected with the serum in many cases because once the
enzyme works its way deep into the cells through the bloodstream,
the blood itself, can easily be seen
With all that in mind,
I'd like to bring us to the serum that is being pushed with
operation warp speed into the
general population around the world.
We know that those
who got the real elixir and not the placebo, are showing signs of magnetization
of the skin and tissue of the insertion site while others (or the same)
are con-tending with blood disorders primarily like thrombosis, blood clots and heart attacks.
Gra/ph-*ene (a unique substance that means graphing energy)
ox-*ide is within the serums base constructs along with nanotechnology, chemicals, disease AND luciferase.
Yes, our loved ones are being Jabbanated with a potion that contains luciferase.
The enzyme that allows algae and jellyfish to light
up and glow is within the vial (vile) of this serum
created by the likes of mode*rna which means
"mode of R*NA transport system".
(Rn*a means replication
of and alteration from a carbon based organic human
into a graphene based one.
genetically modified humanoid. Humanoid means human voided.)
Another thing about graphene is it is so impenetrable that,
when woven into
material for clothing, it cannot be penetrated by dagger
and by bullet. It is the hardest substance on the planet AND it is the ****cause of the
disease morg*ellons due to the chemtrailing mix that is spewing graph-ene through the air.
***** The injexion site was glowing under a blacklight.
The child holding a blacklight moved down her
mothers arm to her mums hand and her hand began to glow inside.
A mom filmed having the horrible realization that
**she made a dreadful, terrible mistake taking this serum that is
not a vexeen but a gene altering contagion that is to terraform humans into GMOs.
To all of you who have taken the Jabberwocki,
if you got the real deal (not saline)
you were given the genetic enzyme luciferase,
the genetic material of
a bioluminesent jellyfish along with the very toxic heavy metal graph-ene ox-ide ..
(graphene energy oxidization)
mixed with a nan*otech transport system that
will move all of the genetically altering materials through
the entire system via the blood,
merging with tissue and crossing the blood brain barrier into
the protected areas of the
brain including and most especially destroying the pineal gland, our connection to God
and the areas that give us our divine gifts and deep resonance to truth, faith, hope,
love and our connection to divine nature and empathy.
Essentially it severs us from God....
Mr William
Gates spoke in length to the agency of our centralized intelligence system about having
created an elixir that will destroy the very parts of the brain
that connects us to Divinity allowing only intellect to
thrive in the pursuit of materialism and self indulgence (narcissism)
over the
unnecessary messiness of spiritualism.
He stated this under the guise of erasing
fundamentalism but we know,
in truth, there is nothing more radical nor tied to fanaticism
than science interwed with eugenics and egocentric maniacal
fundamentalism in which Ga-*tes and
*fa-u×ci and many others are evangelistic pyschopaths within their narratives and lucif*erian movement.
So, if you take a look at the photos of these
most precious lives below, who were and are deliberately
and hideously abused by the "injexions"
NOW taking, you will see for yourself the malevolence
being perpetrated on not only animals but now the
human species, too.
Is this the meaning and reference to the new age rainbow tribe that was allegedly predicted to rise?
The fact that this luci*ferin substance can create each color of the rainbow,
is it not wise to consider that we were manipulated
into the excitement of being the rainbow peace tribe,
or being a part of the
lgbtq rainbow pride movement or being a
part of the new age movement
that is based deeply on the
lucif*erian principles
and practices
that will encourage many to be converted
with willing ease
(as we have seen with the nesara/gesara promises by the lucif*erians
So many of my new age people are totally smitten
with this as the great savior of these times we are in.
This great reset into the Graphen age.
This great awakening
that most think they are ascending while taking stabs
and hunkering down in the fear-based reality the 1% are creating for their amusement and conquest.
Here below is a
site sharing with you the newly genetically modified seahorse that "glitters with gold".
Ah, the precious element that the nobles have
coveted and stolen from all of us for millenia.
Now, they are
embedding it into the cells of seahorses
and other animals we will deem as sacred though
genetically modified into newer versions of more disreality and madness.
Video of hexedvexed woman, her veins lighting up:
Additional information:
Lucif*erease -
C*O*V Research
Luciferase assays to aid in your C*o*v va**ine research
Luciferases are enzymes that use a substrate called luciferin,
along with oxygen and ATP, in an energetic
process that produces light—like the yellow glow of fireflies.
The power of luciferase has been harnessed by scientists to devise reactions
whose light output is used to monitor biological processes including gene expression, biomolecular binding, and cell viability.
Measuring luciferase expression using the SpectraMax® Glo Steady-Luc™ Reporter Assay Kit
Dual-Luciferase Reporter (DLR) Assay
Monitor NF-κB activation with a sensitive dual reporter assay
Detect dual luciferase expression
Highly sensitive dual luciferase detection with the SpectraMax® DuoLuc™ Reporter Assay Kit.
Are ferrofluids being used in the Co*v inje*ctions? If so, why?
Nanotechnology Up Close:
Dire warning from Dr. Charles Hoffe
Read this letter from a fast-growing group pro-vax
va**ine-injured vic*tims now pleading for help.
Yet falling on deaf ears at the CD*C and F*DA
Darpa Hydrogel
Quantum Dots
Encode Va**ine history in skin
P*C*R Test Inaccurate
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the P*C*R
Hydr*ogel nan*oparticles and na*nocomposites for nasal drug/va**ine delivery
Operating System
Jabberwocki by Test
Biosensor Cryptocurrency System
Monitoring System
Jabberwocki is a plan for de*population and C*ontrol.
Pierre Gilbert Warning from 1955
Supreme Court:
Pfi*zer, Mod*erna et al.
may own your genes
once you’re injected with their
lab-created m R N A, D N A
**\The Supreme Court ruled that if there is anything synthetic,
not from nature, inside of our genome,
then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic
parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bi*ll and Meli*nda Gates et al.,
*****The Department of Defense, et al.
can literally own a human being.
If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome,
by law,
you could be owned overnight.”
All legitimate doctors and scientists welcome fact-checking and peer-review.
***Turns out Dr. Madej is onto something, and further affirms every reason not to volunteer for these experimental injections.
*****Man-made bacteria and genetically-modified mice are patentable
The case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty,
*** 447 U.S. 303 (1980) is the first time the U.S. Supreme Court heard a patent case involving naturally-occurring processes and/or organisms.
Dr. Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty invented a species of oil-eating bacteria while working at General Electric in 1971.
His invention streamlined the process of cleaning up oil spills.
He filed a first-of-its-kind patent for the new genetically-modified bacteria species.
The United Kingdom granted the patent already.
But the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office denied the patent because it determined the invention was a living organism.
The U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals (now the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) reversed the decision.
****It ruled that just because micro-organism are alive doesn’t mean they cannot be patented.
The U.S. Supreme Court, in 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:
******Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952.
The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability.
The case paved the way for biotechnology companies and universities.
The OncoMouse, patented by Harvard in 1988, was the first mammal ever patented.
Harvard scientists genetically-modified mice to be predisposed to cancer
(thus the “onco” prefix) so other scientists could study the disease.
Scientists have since created an entire discipline on
“transgenic non-human mammals.”
Of course there are serious ethical concerns. But the practice continue.
Patentability of human genes (mR*NA and D*NA)
*****The case that provides the blueprint for pharmaceutical
companies claiming ownership of your genes is Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.,
569 U.S. 576 (2013).
This case originated from a Utah-based company called Myriad Genetics.
The company isolated the location and sequence of naturally-occurring genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Mutations in these genes positively correlate with predispositions to breast and ovarian cancers.
Myriad filed patents on these genes in 1994 and 1995, respectively.
The patents gave Myriad exclusive rights to cancer genetic testing that
isolated natural DNA strands and created synthetic complementary DNA (cDNA)
that resembled the original isolated strands.
The USPTO granted both patents in 1998.
At least 2,000 other human genes had been patented through 2010,
according to the New York State Bar.
But the Myriad patents hindered other scientists from doing research on naturally-occurring BRCA1 and BRCA2,
and thus hindered breast and ovarian cancer testing by other companies.
Supreme Court permits patentable cDNA
Several Plaintiffs, including Yale, Columbia, individual patients,
and patient advocacy groups filed a lawsuit against Myriad and the University of Utah in May of 2009.
The Plaintiffs argued that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are not patent-eligible subject matter under
35 U.S.C. § 101 because they are naturally-occurring.
Myriad argued that it isolated the sequences of the DNA and that the
Patent Office had issued patents for other companies doing the same thing.
A long legal battle ensued that included two writs of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Federal Circuit twice affirmed that both isolated DNA and cDNA are patentable. Ultimately
**** the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable.
Isolated, natural D*NA is not patentable.
Breast and ovarian cancer screening got much cheaper after the
ruling since Myriad no longer owned patents on naturally-occurring genes and thus the testing.
When it was all said and done, the Supreme Court invalidated five of Myriad’s 520 patent claims.
Myriad sued competitors for marketing ovarian and breast cancers tests based on the
two natural genes after the Supreme Court decision.
Ambry Genetics won a case against Myriad in 2014.
The company said via press release:
Myriad did not create or alter any of the genetic information encoded in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.
The location and order of the nucleotides existed in nature before Myriad found them.
As the Supreme Court made clear, neither naturally occurring compositions of matter,
nor synthetically created compositions that are structurally identical to the naturally occurring compositions, are patent eligible.
Pfi*zer, Mo*derna, et al. and your genes
Yes, this article contains a lot of scientific and legal mumbo-jumbo.
But in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally-occurring.
****No mouse is born in nature like the OncoMouse.
*** It is thus patentable.
Oil-eating bacteria come from genetic manipulation, thus patentable.
Notice how all these so-called doctors and scientists avoid pointing fingers at Pfi*zer, Mod*erna, John*son & John*son et al. when someone dies within hours, days or weeks of receiving their shots.
It’s almost as if they are carefully navigating the trademark and patent landscape.
Mode*rna owns several m*RNA patents.
But doctors and hospitals wanting a piece of the m*RNA pie cannot bite the hand that feeds them.
The synthetic m*R*N*A of Pfi*zer and Mod*erna, along with the
viral vector D*NA delivery systems of Joh*nson & Joh*nson and As*traZene*ca,
change your genetic code, making you
Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.”
But Mo*derna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that the shots change your genetic code.
He calls the Moderna shot “hacking the software of life.”
Viral vectors do the same thing.
So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots?
*****Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions.
*****Once you get these shots,
you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being.
Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se.
But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human.
Gene therapy is irreversible.
Do the math yourself.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
Supreme Court: Pfiz*er, Mode*rna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created m*RNA, DN*A
US Supreme Court says Pfi*zer, Mod*erna may OWN Your Genes once you're Injected
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, The rule against patents on naturally occurring things has limits, however. Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20543
Big Pharma mR*NA Va**ine will be used to Patent Humans
New Supreme Court Decision Rules That cDNA Is Patentable What It Means for Research and Genetic Testing
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