Retro Gaming: OSSC vs xRGB Mini Framemeister Component and SCART upscaler comparison - 720p 1080p

3 years ago

Originally posted on my Poweredbygaming Youtube channel on Jun 4, 2017. This is literally my first video, if you couldn't tell by the quality.

NOTE: Latest of OSSC to come out after the making of this video, version 1.6 DOES come with HDMI!

Here is a look at the Open Source Scan Converter (OSSC) compared to the xRGB Mini Framemeister, both used to display retro video game content on modern flat screen televisions.

If you like what you see in this video, please like and subscribe, and let us know in the comments below what you think. (my first time on camera for my youtube channel, so be gentle)

Credit to the youtube channel, EPICmoh Gaming, for providing the outro

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