Liveprayer with Bill Keller 8/26/21 "Live" M-F 11p-Mid EDT

2 years ago

13 dead US troops, 14 injured, in addition to 90 dead Afghans and over 100 injured as 2 ISIS suicide bombers attack Kabul airport. This is the result of a stolen election and President Biden, the corporate media, and Big Tech have blood on their hands. The Taliban claims to believe in climate change to curry favor with globalist elites. The US dollar is currently the reserve currency but China is looking to change that. 60k US vets have committed suicide since 9/11. Biden is the first US POTUS to be held in contempt by the UK Parliament. Who are the 1,000 Afghanis being relocated in the US? The Taliban is laughing at the "woke" US military leadership. The US actually gave the Taliban the names of US residents and Afghani allies in Afghanistan. Afghan Christians were turned away at the gates of the Kabul airport. As US service members died, VP Harris was meeting with LGBTQ activists in Vietnam. The new Chaplain at Harvard is a Jewish atheist! The latest study states that natural immunity is FAR greater than the COVID vaccine. The US led the way in dangerous "gain of function" experiments despite the nightmare if the virus ever escaped from the lab! THE HAND OF GOD IS OFF THIS NATION AND THE ONLY QUESTION IS WHEN AND WHERE WILL THE NEXT TERROR ATTACK ON US SOIL TAKE PLACE? Pres. Joe Biden's speech in the aftermath of the death of US troops in Afghanistan was utterly pathetic! This, and so much more tonight on Liveprayer TV!

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