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Training Video 4 - Treating acute and chronic disease with CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)

3 years ago

Free Course and Guidebook:

In TUA University training video 4 you will learn about CDS Protocols. These are the core protocols from Andreas Kalcker's book "Forbidden Health." Helpful spreadsheets mentioned in by Brian: https://bit.ly/CLO2-DIY-Spreadsheets (direct download: https://t.me/mms_health_videos/542)


  • 0/2000
  • I think I would prefer the simplest way.. order it!

  • Thank you for the Protocols Videos - I couldn't understand all others. They talked about mixing Sodium Chlorite and Hydrochloric acid and throwing terms around, so confusing. I bought CDS, then making it. I'm searching for a week to find a protocol video. Dr. Kalcker's videos are older and outdated. How about a video for Pets using CDS!

  • where do you buys CDS or MMS or its components? would Potable Aqua Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Tablets work and if so what dosage?

  • I wish it was talked about based on drops and cups versus milliliters in liters it’s very confusing

  • Can we use stainless steel bottle?

  • As I understand it, Chlorine Dioxide gas evaporates when above 11ºC (~52ºF), so if I'm taking Protocol C (100ml every hour for approx 10 hours) does the bottle need to be kept refrigerated to prevent the gas from evaporating into the air of the bottle and then escaping every time I open the bottle? Or can I take the bottle with me throughout my day (running errands, etc.). It's an amber glass bottle to prevent light infiltration, just FYI. Thanks in advance for your help!

  • I made CDS & took it when I got a crappy flu , definitely sped up recovery even though I have a feeling it dropped well below 3000ppm after testing. Made a fresh batch @ 3000ppm. Ready to kick ass. 🌞🇦🇺🙏🏼

  • why is this saying put it in water for the day? thought it loses its potency after a minute? undiluted to apply topically? What is CDS 3000?

  • My husband has CIDP (kind of like MS but attacking peripheral nerves instead of neurological nerves. How long and where do I start in dosage? How long do you have to do this to see improvement?

  • Thank you so much for these videos. I made MMS and CDS. I now have lots to share with my loved ones. Blessings, love and protection from the Divine for you always! I will keep sharing your videos.

  • You do not want to "treat" acute illness. Acute illness is the body cleansing and healing itself. There are no cures without first removing the cause!

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  • What is the CDS / water ratio for the enema protocol?

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  • 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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  • While adults should have no problem not eating for 8 hours a day, children are not likely to be able to go without foods that long, nor should they. Is there a different protocol so they can eat and have time between the next dose. Even 2 hour dosing wont work with feeding children.

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  • copd

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