What Is Inflammation, and What Are the Long-Term Effects of Chronic Inflammation?

3 years ago

Hydrogen infused water is a great way to combat inflammation and improve your health. However, what does inflammation look like, and how can it affect you in the long run? In this video, Dr. Herzog helps us understand this ailment and how it affects us. Essentially, what is happening is when your body is repairing a cut or a twisted ankle, it produces a level of inflammation to help aid the recovery process. It is the balance between too little and too much inflammation where our body really thrives. Any amount outside of this can have a negative effect.

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*Video Transcript*
"You hear about it all the time, but what is inflammation? When does it become chronic? What can cause it? and what might reduce it? The immune system's job is to protect your body from harmful substances like germs, and cell changes that can make you sick. When your body deals with an issue or injury, it responds with immune cells and cytokines. You've noticed this when your body repairs a cut on your finger or your twisted ankle or when it fights to make sure you get over that cold quickly. However, your immune system should turn off that acute response when you're done healing or fighting, the goal is to have just enough inflammation and to have it be balanced or regulated. In other words, we do need some inflammation but at the right amount and in the right location. I like to think of the immune system like a teeter-totter, we should have the ability to go up or down in certain areas of our immune system, depending upon what triggers or stressors might come our way. On an average day the goal is to maintain a pretty balanced or even teeter-totter so that we aren't working overtime in any one area. When one end of the teeter-totter has been high in the air for a long time, months, perhaps even years or decades, we call that chronic inflammation. This is a really important health topic because most chronic illnesses are related to or caused by chronic inflammation. That's right diabetes, arthritis, alzheimer's, autoimmunity, heart disease, depression, anxiety, these are all inflammatory conditions. There are many things that can trigger inflammation, these include but are not limited to infections, foods, poor sleep, environmental toxins like pesticides and EMFs, injuries, vitamins and mineral deficiencies, and of course stress. We're all subject to these triggers but how well our body deals with them will vary for each of us. The goal is to tackle inflammation by turning it down and allowing the body to find balance again. When we help our body to reduce chronic inflammation by removing these individual inflammatory triggers, we can feel better. One safe way we can all start to reduce inflammation is by drinking hydrogen water - this safe and effective strategy can help us to prevent or even reverse chronic illness. When was the last time your doctor said you could heal from your illness? Prevention and reversal of illness is a really powerful message of hope and healing. Come and learn more about the newest technologies to help you on your way to a healthier and happier life."

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