Oxidative Stress Part 1

2 years ago

Oxidative stress is one of the leading causes of disease in the world today. We as a society often overlook this ailment or misidentify it within our current health conditions. This video is intended to teach you about the dangers that oxidative stress presents to you and those in your life. While there are many ways to combat oxidative stress in our lives, one of the simple solutions we suggest is drinking hydrogen infused water.

If you'd like to learn about our hydrogen water machines, please click the following link â–º https://www.synergyscience.com/product-category/echo-water-machines

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*Video Transcript*
"In talking about oxidative stress we have to include inflammation, because these are the leading cause of disease. So if you were to ask the internet or ask someone else 'what is the leading cause of disease?' It would be oxidative stress and inflammation - now inflammation comes because of oxidative stress because the body is trying to help itself. So what's oxidative stress in the first place? Well you have oxidation which is very natural and necessary to life, but oxidative stress is when oxidation rises too high and we now have stress on the body. When we have oxidative stress systems are not functioning properly and they could end up failing and this is where we end up with diseases in this process. So oxidative stress is when our body's antioxidant systems are no longer able to counteract the negative effects of free radicals on our body - this is effectively what oxidative stress is. We our bodies are designed to self heal, our bodies are designed to combat radicals, because radicals are also most of them have a physiological role and they are necessary to life, but like everything balance is critical, we need oxidation and we need reduction but if we don't have reduction then we have oxidation rising to oxidative stress - if we have too much reduction than oxidation is low and that causes further issues or other issues. So we really need to have what we call homeostasis which is a balance of oxidation and reduction. Now this is critical because once oxidative stress happens our body doesn't function properly - we start to have failures in systems, we start to have radicals causing problems, we start to have issues, and so this is what we want to combat is not having oxidative stress just having oxidation in a normal range."

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