Do I Need a Qi Device™? - Tae Talks Science: Ep. 7, Pt. 1

2 years ago

In this two-part episode of Tae Talks Science, Tae helps us to understand what EMFs are and our constant exposure to them.

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*Video Transcript*
"Welcome to part one of our series that answers the question: Do I need a Qi device? To answer this we first need to understand the big why behind the product, which is: Why was this product created? And to answer that, we need to look at EMFs. So what are EMFs? The term EMFs stands for electromagnetic fields - these electric and magnetic fields are invisible waves of energy also known as radiation. Let's start at the beginning - the sun is believed to be among the very first forms of ionizing radiation to affect us. Other forms of short wavelength / high frequency radiation include: gamma rays and x-rays. X-rays were first discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Rotkin. Then in 1896 a man named Henry Bequerrel discovered that some substances emitted energy Bacaroel's student Marie Curie then went on to name this energy 'radioactivity' and was awarded the Nobel Prize twice for her studies in the fields of radiology, x-rays, radioactive materials and her discovery of two new radioactive materials - talk about an incredible woman. After this, the field of ionizing radiation grew in popularity among scientists, then with the rise of man-made technology came the rise in non-ionizing radiation emitters. Forms of longer wavelength, non-ionizing radiation include radio waves, cell towers, cell phones, wifi, bluetooth, hair dryers, microwaves and power lines. All of these can be categorized as EMF emitters but how does this form of long-wave radiation affect us? Most of the general population is being exposed to a near-constant stream of both ionizing and non-ionizing forms of radiation. Being in high wi-fi areas and carrying our cell phones on us 24-7 all may impact our health. Stay tuned for part two where we walk you through how to know if EMF exposure is affecting you personally and which Qi device is right for you. See you next time and remember to stay curious!"

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