Why You Should Stop Drinking Soda! - Hydro Bro: Ep. 4

3 years ago

Soda, pop, Coke, whatever you call it, it could be killing you. On this episode of Hydro Bro, we’ll talk about what’s actually in the soda you drink and how it can harm your health.

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*Video Transcript*
"What? I just saved your life! It's just soda.. You're welcome! Hey, certified Hydro Bro here.. Did you know that the global carbonated beverage industry is worth almost 400 billion dollars? Nearly everyone in the world drinks soda. The average American will consume 38.7 gallons of soda a year but despite being an extremely popular beverage, it's actually one of the worst things in the world that you can drink. In 1767 an Englishman named Joseph Priestley invented a way to infuse carbon dioxide into water thus inventing carbonated water and the soda was born, which funnily enough started as a medicine sold in pharmacies but flavoring was added along with syrup and sugar lots and lots and lots of sugar. Think about it like this, in one can of soda there's about 40 grams of sugar, since the average American consumes 38.7 gallons of soda a year that's approximately 16,512 grams or 36.4 pounds of sugar. That's the same amount of sugar that's in 2,358 fun size Snicker bars or about 137 boxes of donuts. Now I don't have to tell you but too much sugar is horrible for your health. Sugar causes obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The sugar that's contained in soda is primarily fructose, fructose can cause the body to develop a resistance to leptin which means simply that the body doesn't know when to stop eating. Soda is also oftentimes high in calories and with soda being a liquid, it makes it extremely easy to transport a high number of calories and a high quantity of sugar in each gulp - an instant portal of sugar into your stomach if you will. In addition to obesity there's also the issue of diabetes, studies have shown that people who regularly drink soda and other sugary beverages have a 25% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Worst of all is heart disease, 23% of all deaths in the world are caused by heart disease. Eating too much sugar will lead to chronic inflammation and higher blood pressure. The more sugar you consume, the higher risk you have for heart disease. Now if only there was a perfect drink to keep us healthy - oh wait, there is - water! An elixir from the gods. Even better is Echo antioxidant water from Synergy Science, which increases your ability to fight off oxidative stress and inflammation. So ditch the canned poison and all aboard the agua train, destination immortality - well not really but the closest you'll ever get. So let's raise a glass and hydrate mate. Subscribe and learn all about water and how to get the best water on the planet!"

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