Impressive Skills By Cute Trained Dogs - Funny Smart Dog Videos 2021

2 years ago

Is your dog giving you deaf ears?

When this happens, avoid repeating the command over and over and imposing yourself until you get a response; instead, take a step back and consider the following scenarios which are some of the most common issues encountered when training dogs.
1) Low Value Treats
2) Low Rate of Reinforcement
3) High Criteria(Asking much at once)
4) High Level of Distractions
5) Lack of Training
6) Unclear Cues
7) Frustration Buildup
8) Emotional Problems
9) Health Considerations
10) Are You Forgetting to Brain Train Your Dog?

Brain Training for Dogs is one of the first training programs to not only teach obedience, better behavior, important skills and tricks, but to also work on increasing intelligence and engaging the dog’s brain too. Through 21 fun and simple games, the novel and scientifically-proven methods taught by Adrienne are sure to improve the lives of both you and your dog! By the end of Brain Training for Dogs your dog will be able to tidy up his toys, play the piano (yes, really), and identify his toys by name – all while being a better behaved and more obedient dog.

Want to get started with brain training? You can get instant access to my course by below link.

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