For What is Time Undone?

3 years ago

A brief reading of a very germane poem/prose, by Ernst Moritz Arndt, of which I believe is more relevant now than when it was written; I practised my German here, too. Expect a video on Kabbalah and its true meaning, in the context of the event perversely destroying the world at the moment.

The slow-rolling of the murder machine draws near, but in the bleakest of times can arise the bravest of heroes; for time is being made undone and in the glimpse of the battle between the ancient archetypal forces, there is a gap within the chaos to thence breakthrough, and gallop out of the slumberous and societally deconstructive milieu. For, if the European soul is to survive, then the West - as we know it now - must fall. It is lost to corruption and the perplexing servitude of political self-interest; where an external foe rallies its minions, its demented hordes, to smite us from our green and pleasant lands. They cannot be bargained with, reasoned with and they feel no pity and no remorse; they are more cold machine than Man, and possess the spirit of desolation, within the void, where a soul should stand. We are the last generation of our people unless we shake off the iniquitous ideal of apathy and inactivity; we should show no tolerance to the crude villain, nor the shrewd opportunist alike. Like vultures and ravenous dogs, nothing will ever quench their appetite or satiate their desires; there can be no peace as long as this cabal of shadowy creatures can avail itself of our wealth and of our talents, unhindered.

We must physically unite, or physically perish; there is no middle ground, no second chances or easy fixes, and unless we can endure a protracted conflict, against a technologically superior foe, then we face oblivion. However, upon the winds of change, we have sailed many a time and our people seek shores in the uncharted and boldly go where none have ventured thence before; we are a race of giants of whom sits atop our shoulders the world, for which we generously burden ourselves with their inclinations of profit. Well, it is about time that giant woke from his slumber and wrought havoc upon the imprisoners of his fortitude; the shackles that bind us must be undone and we must spring forth from this abyssal, civilisational oubliette, to take our rightful place as masters of destiny made manifest.

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